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Latest developments in the dental implants.

In the last couple of years, there have been major developments in the procedure of dental implants. This has been due to the development of new techniques and systems that are used to carry out the implants. When one wants to have an implant carried out, there is usually a number of options that these people have and thus they can easily pick the one that is most suitable for them. It is thus important that people know the kind of techniques and alternatives that are there so that they can know which one is best for them.. At the Center for Modern Dentistry some of the Rancho Cucamonga dentist teams have been offering these services and thus one should be able to find which of the available treatments and teeth is right for them. these are:

Immediate load dental implants

This kind of alternative is also known as same day implants. It is a procedure that normally allows one to have a placement of a tooth which is temporary. This is done during the same appointment as when there is a dental implant placement that is being carried out. This procedure allows one to move on with their lives as the dental implant fuses itself with the bone. The custom crown is then to be placed later in about 3 to 6 months.

This procedure is an ideal choice for those people who happen to have enough natural bone. It is also important to have an implant that is more secure in order to be able to give full support to the placement. It should also be strong in order to be able to handle the pressure that is on the new teeth that is temporary. It is important to first carry out some consultation with your dentist in order to determine whether this procedure is appropriate for you. This is because it does not work with everyone and thus consultation is very important.

The mini implants

These ones are also known as the narrow or small diameter implants. This is because they are usually smaller than most of those teeth of the normal dental implant size. The techniques that are used to carry out the implants are less invasive and in most cases will be of a diameter that is less than 3 millimeters in the diameter. For those implants that are considered as standard are in the range of 3.25 to about 5 millimeters in their diameter.

All – on – 4

This is another alternative approach to the dental implants. In this technique, there is placing of a complete arch which can either be the top or the bottom of replacement teeth that have been fixed. In order to be able to stabilize the replacement teeth, four dental implants are usually used. In this technique, the implants are fixed in the bone that is available and this helps to avoid a situation where bone grafting is carried out.